Submission to the Minister for Immigration
By Principal Migration Consultant.

Anyone who has had their visa application reviewed and decided by Administrative Appeals Tribunal or is in detention (whether or not they have had their visa application reviewed and decided by the AAT may write to the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (‘Minister’) asking the Minister to consider issuing a visa in the “public interest”. This is generally referred to as a request for Ministerial intervention.
If the Minister decides to exercise his / her discretion, he or she will issue the visa which is considered to be the most appropriate. This may be a temporary or permanent visa.
Shada Migration and Education Services can assist you to seek Ministerial intervention and we are able to prepare the submission on your behalf and include documents according to Ministerial Guidelines.
If you wish to discuss about your case, feel free to contact us.
Shada Migration and Education Services deal with all migration matters for clients wishing to reside permanently or temporarily in Australia. We provide services for the following visa programs:Business Migration Program, Skilled Migration Program, Family Migration Program.
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Australia has a world-class education system that is open to everyone. If you have the entry requirement you can get into any level of education. Australians are open, relaxed & friendly people so students usually find a warm welcome in Australia. Reasons you will love studying in Australia are the following
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AAT review decisions made by officers of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to refuse or cancel visas. AAT can also review decisions relating to approval and cancellation of sponsorship and nomination. AAT is the amalgamated tribunal, will undertake the same functions as the MRT and RRT,
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Australia is a party to the Refugees Convention and the Refugees Protocol and generally speaking, has protection obligations to people who are refugees as defined in them. A refugee is a person who:“owing to a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality,
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If you wish to migrate to Australia either through skilled migration program or Business Migration Program, we can provide you with an initial assessment. It is an easy process, you only need to complete an online assessment form and we contact you to explain your next steps in your migration process.
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Anyone who has had their visa application reviewed and decided by AAT or is in Australia's detention centres may write to the Minister for Immigration asking the Minister to consider issuing a visa in the “public interest”. This is generally referred to as a request for Ministerial Intervention.
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Shada Migration Services can give professional migration advice and visa application assistance to the people who wish to migrate to Australia.Advice can be provided over the phone or face-to-face conversation. In some cases, the advice may need to be followed by assistance in preparing and lodging a visa application.
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A Letter of Advice is a stand-alone document that informs you whether you can secure a visa to Australia on temporary or permanent basis. In most cases, a Letter of Advice will be sent to you before you sign a contract with us, provided that we are confident that you have a good chance of securing a visa to Australia
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