How to migrate to Australia via visa subclass 189, 190 or 491?
If you wish to migrate to Australia via Subclass 189, 190 or 491 visas, you are required to lodge an Expression of Interest ( EOI) to the Australian Department of Home Affairs website via the online lodging service “SkillSelect”.
SkillSelect allows eligible overseas workers or business people to express their interest (technically called EOI) in migrating to Australia through General Skilled Migration Program.
To submit an EOI, the intending migrant needs to provide information about their skills and business information . SkillSelect then issues invitations based on a ranking of the skills of nominees, the pass mark and subject to ceilings on occupation numbers to apply for a visa.
Occupation ceiling is a mechanism used by the Department of Home Affairs to prevent a small number of occupations from dominating the annual migration program.
SkillSelect Process
The Skillselect process has three stages:
- Potential migrants demonstrate their interest in applying by completing an EOI for a relevant visa subclass(es)
- Eligible migrants may be invited to apply for a visa
- Upon being invited to apply for a visa, the intending migrant shall have 60 calendar days to apply for a visa as specified in the invitation.
The term of validity of the invitation can not be extended. The intending migrant must resubmit the EOI if he does not apply for the visa application within the given timeframe.
Threshold eligibility criteria to complete an EOI
The potential migrants needs to meet the following threshold eligibility criteria to complete an EOI for subclass 189, 190 and 491.
- Be under 45
- Have an occupation on Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) , Short-term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL) or Regional Occupation List (ROL)
- Received suitable skill assessment for the nominated occupation
- Meet the English language ability threshold
- Meet the minimum points for the selected visa subclasses
- Seeking nomination for subclass 190 , 491 from State / territory Government or their Regional Sponsor
- Establish family relationship for subclass 491 regional sponsored
- Willingness to live in regional Australia if they choose subclass 491 visa
Are you Eligible to Live and Work in Australia?
If you wish to check your eligibility to migrate permanently to Australia , please fill out the below assessment form. The assessment is free. After submitting the form, a registered migration consultant will look into the information and advise you of the outcome of the assessment via your email address.